The Long-Term Benefits of Laser Hair Removal: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn about all aspects of laser hair removal: its benefits, drawbacks, side effects and more! Find out if this long-term solution is right for you.

The Long-Term Benefits of Laser Hair Removal: A Comprehensive Guide

Most people are familiar with hair removal methods that last several months, but laser hair removal offers a longer-term solution. Thanks to advances in technology, people with dark skin tones can now enjoy the same level of safety as those with lighter complexions. The initial cost of laser hair removal may seem daunting, but when you add up all the trips to the salon, the razors, the shaving cream, and your valuable time, you'll find that it's not hard to break even if you commit to this long-term solution. Cool Sculpting Ultherapy-Morpheus8Eurothread LiftsofWaveTM laser hair removal is a less painful option compared to other hair removal methods, such as waxing, tweezing and threading.

After the first treatment, you can expect 10% to 25% less hair than before. Most patients need 2 to 6 laser treatments. After finishing treatments, most patients do not see hair on the treated skin for several months or even years, and when it grows back, there tends to be much less hair and its color is also lighter. Most people experience hair reduction that lasts for years. When laser hair removal is done correctly and the person's skin type matches the treatment environment well, permanent results can be achieved.

But sometimes new growth occurs: the hair may be thinner or lighter than before, but still visible to the naked eye. If you're young (in your teens and twenties) or experiencing a major hormonal change after your original treatments, you're likely to develop new hair follicles that produce new hair during your lifetime. This new hair growth can't be prevented, but thankfully it can be treated with another round of laser hair removal. Are you over 40 but still interested in maintaining a youthful and radiant appearance? If so, don't wait any longer to start implementing a proper skincare routine into your daily life. When you perform laser hair removal treatments, you eliminate the need for endless amounts of razors, shaving creams, waxing appointments, etc.

The cost of laser hair removal has decreased while the cost of waxing has increased. Laser hair removal is more financially intelligent, takes less time, and will give you a longer-lasting overall result. You can prevent and eliminate ingrown hairs with laser hair removal. It's the best solution to make sure you don't suffer from annoying ingrown hairs and risk having them removed. Laser hair removal is also a great option for people who have sensitive skin and have skin irritation after shaving or waxing.

It's best to avoid blood-thinning medications such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs before laser hair removal. The light is converted to thermal energy which then deactivates the hair follicle so that it does not produce more hairs. The hair follicles must be in their growth stage to be completely destroyed or the hairs will continue to grow. Lasers emit light at a specific wavelength that will be absorbed by the pigment in the hairs follicle without damaging the surrounding skin. The laser produces energy which can be directed at the hairs follicle due to its contrasting color compared to the surrounding skin. Starting the process of removing unwanted body hairs with laser hair removal may seem like a big decision but the sooner you start, the sooner you'll start to see amazing results.

As for retouching, it really depends on your skin type, hairs color, hairs thickness and your body area. Laser hair removal is a non-invasive medical procedure that will help you get to the root of your body hairs problem. Hair removal methods such as threading, waxing or shaving can be quite painful and even cause scarring and bruising. Don't expect to spend all day at the spa when you get your laser hair removal—you'll be in and out in no time. It's important to note that laser hair removal treatment is safer and more effective when performed by a board-certified dermatologist.

To learn if laser hair removal is the right choice for you read on to learn more about the procedure, its benefits, drawbacks, side effects and more. Before choosing laser hair removal it is advisable to schedule a consultation with your dermatologist to determine if your hairs type and skin color are compatible with laser treatment. The number of laser hairs removal sessions needed will depend on the color and roughness of the hairs, hormonal influences and the area of the body.

Daphne Gronquist
Daphne Gronquist

Evil bacon advocate. Incurable music guru. Hipster-friendly coffee maven. Award-winning music maven. Hipster-friendly social media specialist.